Dark Coin Champion #0393 | In the midst of a desolate wasteland, Dark Coin Champions #0393 and #0630 faced off. #0393, clad in a Magician's Robe and Dark Knight Helm, sneered at #0630, swathed in Rags and a Scarred head. "You don't stand a chance, Undead fool," #0393 hissed, brandishing a Dark Sword. #0630 raised a Dragon Staff, retorting, "No magic can save you from my power!" The clash began, #0630's dragon fire countered by #0393's dark magic. As the battle raged, #0393's experience with the Crescent Moon Earring granted a surprise advantage. With a final blow, #0393 overpowered #0630, laughing triumphantly as the fallen foe whispered, "You may have won, but darkness will consume you in the end." | Dark Coin Champion #0630 |