Dark Coin Champion #0719In the heart of an enchanted forest, Dark Coin Champion #0719, adorned in Aqua, wields a Trident, facing Dark Coin Champion #0721, cloaked in an Executioner Robe, wielding a Scythe. Snake-headed under the Crown of Horns, the duel begins. #0719's agile Chameleon skin dazzles against #0721's Tribal Dark Skin. "You're but a peasant in royal garb," taunts #0719. "Your Trident can't pierce my Robe," sneers #0721. The Scythe slices; the Trident parries. Dust swirls. With a swift strike and cunning finesse, #0719 outmaneuvers #0721, piercing the Robe. "Bow to your superior," #0719 hisses triumphantly, as #0721 falls defeated.Dark Coin Champion #0721