Tool for tracking DarkCoin Champions NFT battles.
Currently available routes
- shows all Champs for specified wallet and their statistic. For example, /wallets/G6YFTYHG5NGTRLUWYVZOY2OODHYJEFA4E57M4HN7NKP4NC3EUQJWMT5ZMAchamps/{champId}
- shows stat for specific Champ, where ChampId is AssetId. For example, /champs/1559258156/battles
- list of all battles. Try it out: /battles/battles/{battleNum}
- shows details for specific battle, where battleNum is the number of the battle. For example, /battles/1189/leaderboard
- shows top Champs. Try it out: /leaderboard/leaderboard/{range}
- shows top Champs among selected range of battle. For example, to print table for battles from 1000 to 1100 one shall use /leaderboard/1000-1099
Source code is available on github
To support project or author:
Tools that were used to build the web-app
- Falco - a toolkit for building fast and functional-first web applications using F#
- Nodely - Free API to interact with Algorand chain
- .NET Algorand SDK (v2) - The .NET Algorand SDK is a dotnet library for communicating and interacting with the Algorand network from .NET applications
- Donald - A lightweight, generic F# database abstraction.
- SQLite - to store some info to avoid unnecessary request to API
Version: 0.1